Monday, 29 September 2008

A list of Lamb's favourites

Here is a list of things that George Lamb genuinely thinks are good ideas:

1. Shouting 'Shabba'
2. Lily Allen
3. Big Brother TV show
4. Saying "Ladies and Gentlemen" every 2 minutes
5. Air horns on the radio
6. Not preparing for interviews with guests
7. Overly large bow-ties
8. BBC3
9. Fake cockney banter
10. A failure to understand what music is
11. "More street than concrete"
12. Zezi Ifore


Lee said...

Hello sir.

Just wanted to let you know that I checked out 'Chateau Revenge' after you recommended it. Fantastic stuff - review coming soon. Maybe even tomorrow. If not, then next week sometime.


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